The Green Party Strategy Debate
By Howie Hawkins
Haymarket Books (2006, world English rights)
Paper • ISBN-13: 9781931859301 • US $16 • 5.5 in x 8.5 in • 280 pgs.
Leading indpendent and Green Party activists ask: Can we break the two-party stranglehold on U.S. politics?
Ralph Nader, Peter Camejo, and other Green Party members and allies assess the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, and debate strategy for how to build a challenge to the Republicans and an increasingly corporate Democratic Party.
Contributors include: Peter Camejo, John Rensenbrink, Ted Glick, David Cobb, Sharon Smith, Norman Solomon, Mark Dunlea, Ralph Nader, Alan Maass, Walt Sheasby, Jeffrey St. Clair, Todd Chretien, Forrest Hill, Carol Miller, Dean Myerson, Matt Gonzalez, Donna Warren, Sherry Wolf, Joshua Frank, Jack Uhrich, and Steve Welzer.
“We all should be appalled at our profoundly undemocratic electoral system. This volume makes a valuable contribution to our thinking about that controversial and difficult subject — the role of an opposition third party.”
Howard Zinn, author, A People’s History of the United States
“The future of the Green Party clearly depends on confronting honestly the bitter lessons of 2004. This is an invaluable sourcebook: rich in ideas and unsparing in its critique of liberal ‘lesser-evilism’.”
Mike Davis, University of California at Irvine
Howie Hawkins is a Teamster and Green activist in Syracuse, New York.
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